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AI & K-12 Education: Shaping Tomorrow's Learning - A Forum for Dialogue and Discussion
In this strand, we’ll explore how AI transforms K -12 education, diving into classroom practices, policy considerations, and research defining its integration. Join us for a rich exchange of ideas as educators, scholars, and practitioners share their experiences and insights on using AI to personalize learning, develop critical thinking, and address ethical considerations like data privacy and bias. This journey offers practical approaches and meaningful dialogue on preparing educators and students for an AI-enhanced future.
- Friday, January 10, 8am PST | 11am EST | 4pm GMT | 9:30pm IST - Times of Crisis, Media Literacy and AI with Renee Hobbs, Catharine Rezniceck, Barbabra Burke, Iglika Ivanova, & Yonty Friesem
- Friday, January 10, 10am PST | 1pm EST | 6pm GMT | 11:30pm IST - AI Teaching & Learning: The ERASMUS+ TaLAI Project with Peter Weber & Susmita Rudra
- Friday, January 10, 2 pm PST | 5pm EST | 10pm GMT | (on January 11) 3:30am IST - The Future of AI in K-12 with Sue Thotz & Rudy Escobar
- Friday, January 10, 4pm PST | 7pm EST | (January 11) GMT 0am | 5:30am IST - True friends? AI Companions’ Impact on Youth with Kelly Mendoza & Derek Baird
- Saturday, January 11, 1pm EST | GMT 6pm - Building Custom AI Education Tools with Jason Neiffer & Dana Thompson
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Strand Facilitator: Cathy Reznicek
Catharine Reznicek currently works in both K-12 and Higher Education settings. She is the Director of Education Technology for the Ventura County Office of Education where she works with educators and administrators on technology integration including media literacy. She is also a lecturer at California State University at Channel Islands where she teaches Media Literacy and Youth Culture and Computer Literacy for Educators. Both courses address numerous topics of media literacy education and its place in our lives.