TIME: 9:00 - 9:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada
LOCATION: Online. Click here to register.
Bullies and Trolls and Cancel Culture...oh my! It seems we are surrounded these days with attack dogs on all sides ready to scare us away from speaking our truth or taking a stand, and conflict entrepreneurs, cyberbullies, and trolls know that fear and anger travel like the speed of light online. Being an active citizen can sometimes take not just the courage of our convictions but also the composure to listen to others who disagree with an open mind and heart. In this part-informational, part conversational online session, participants are invited to practice both. Hopefully, we'll all emerge better equipped to be courageous citizens ready for whatever this campaign season and election year has in store.
PRESENTER: Pam Steager, Director of Public Engagement, Courageous Rhode Island
Looking to get involved in your community? This event is part of Rhode Island Civic Learning Week, which offers free programming to enhance your civic knowledge! For more information and program schedule, please visit https://www.ricivics.org/2024clw!